Friday, October 23, 2015

Reflection on Project 2

via Flickr by  Brinks Alo "The face is the mirror of the mind"

In this post  I answer  questions about my revision process

  • What was specifically revised?

In my essay the introduction and conclusion were revised as well as the content of my body paragraphs so the the essay as a whole would flow better as well as easier to comprehend for the audience reading it. 

  • How did you reconsider your thesis or organization?

I reconsider my organization by adding more transition words between paragraphs , hoping that it would make the essay flow better between the analysis and the instructions for the audience. 

  • What led to those changes?

The peer review and my own thoughts about the flow of essay led to those changes as well as wondering if my audience would ultimately understand where I was coming from.

  • How do those changes affect my credibility as an author?

I guess because I couldn't catch those mistakes the first time it makes me seem less credible however now that I changed them it ups my credibility becasue I attempted to make the words flow better and make the content relate to my audience .

  • How will these changes better address the audience or venue?

The changes address the audience better by explicitly including them within the analysis of the public argument and explaining each step and why.

  • How did you reconsider sentence structure and style?

I reconsidered sentence structure by attempting to add more transition words  and  I reconsidered style by  attempting to be more casual in the beginning and end to connect with my  audience and a little bit more formal when instructing them on constructing an analysis.

  • How will these changes assist your audience in understanding your purpose?

I think they'll assist my audience in understanding my purpose because rather  than being formal throughout and  possibly boring them , I try to catch their attention and relate to them through a more casual tone.

  • Did you have to reconsider  the  conventions of the particular genre in which you are writing?

No, actually I knew how I wanted to write the essay as soon as I understood the genre. As soon as I understood the genre I didn't have to reconsider the conventions I just had to figure out a way to  get the audience to understand.

  • How does  the process of reflection help you reconsider your identity as a writer?

It makes me think that I could pay attention more to what i'm writing , and by that it means consider my audience a bit more ,since usually I write without thinking of  the person who is going to read it or who it is written for. I usually just think that becasue it's my grade it's written for myself. 

Reflection:  From reading Chris and Bailey's post  I learned that almost everyone had trouble with addressing the audience because of the option of explicitly talking to them in the essay was a strange concept for everyone. It was relieving to know that it wasn't just me , and that in other areas , like being clearer or elaborating more wasn't just an individual problem either. Overall , looking back at my own writing,  I think I did fairly good job.


  1. I definitely agree with basically everything you said! I think that what you said about making your piece more casual was really important, because it would help to connect more with a peer group, versus if you were writing a paper specifically for a professor. When you were talking about how the reflection helping you reconsider your identity as a writer, what you said wasn't something I originally thought about, personally. But you are so write! I definitely think it shows I could pay more attention to what I'm writing, as well. I've never really analyzed an audience, before.

  2. I also spent alot of time revising my intro and conclusion.
