Saturday, October 17, 2015

Revised Conclusion

via Flickr by JF10 " Super Mario World The End"

In this post I revise the end of my essay

I feel like this conclusion answers the question of so what better  than the first . It also goes into detail of the of what the author's strategies will ultimately do for the intended audience. I also feel like it relate  back to the target rhetorical audience as well, because  they will ultimately understand that I know their struggles and where they are coming from.


The author of this text informs and gently persuades her readers to agree with her viewpoint of America's delusions about the strength of the sanctions placed on the North Korean country by  drawing on the audience's emotions .  Through these strategies Fifield opens the eyes of her American readers , and confirms  to her audience that the government may not always know what they're doing or acknowledge the  consequences  of their actions. I don't want to say this is a perfect conclusion but this should meet the requirements.  It doesn't have to  be covered in unicorn glitter and angel sparkles to  catch the eyes of a superficial reader (although it can) , It just has to ,simply,  make sense and give the  reader the perception that you as a writer know what you're talking about even if you honestly don't.


Through investigative journalism Fifield disproves the American belief of their hold on the North Korean economy and effectively sways the audience to agree with her stance mainly through the use of strong emotional appeals. As a rhetorical analysis for a public argument this much should suffice, as a writer and a college student being able to observe and argue the points of your own analysis , requires not only labeling the strategies used but also being able to provide answers for the patronizing questions of why and how for your readers.

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