Friday, October 23, 2015

Questions about Controversy

via Wikimedia Commons  by Ruby Wang  " Rory"

In this post I ask questions about my chosen controversy which is the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and why it is initially a really good thing for the global economy as a whole .


  •  Who is going to receive the funds from the AIIB?
  • Why was Japan initially against it?
  •  Which of the founding countries of the AIIB are going to benefit from it the most other than the East Asian countries?


  • What will the American government be contributing to the AIIB
  • Will Japan contribute anything?
  • What are the first plans the money will be used for?


  • When (If they have)  did the AIIB fund the first plan
  • When (if they have) did Japan contribute
  • When (again if) did whoever receive the funds improve 


  • Where in China will the AIIB help improve?
  • In General where in East Asia will the AIIB improve on?
  • Where in the rest of the world will this have an immediate impact on the economy?


  • How did the general public react to it's development on social media?
  • How did the scholarly sources defend  America's initial disapproval?
  • How did the general news publicize it's development , in a positive way , negative way, appalled, shocked, horrified , admiring way? 

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