Saturday, October 17, 2015

Revised Introduction

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In this post I redo my introduction

In this introduction I feel like I go into more detail. Although I personally like both of them I feel as if this one includes my rhetorical audience into the essay even more than the first one did. I also think  it explains the background of text a bit more as well.


You have been placed into an unfortunate situation, not as unfortunate as student loans , or as miserable as a final exam with one question, no, you have to write a rhetorical analysis on a public argument and you have no idea how to go about doing that.  The main point  of this daunting task is to make sure you understand how to locate the strategies used by the author that  sway the readers to their side.  In Anna Fifield's article the investigative journalist sheds light on the misconceptions the American government has about the North Korean Economy.  She uncovers the factories operating on the border of  China and North Korea  that produce  goods under the guise of  "made in China"  products .  The author minimizes the effectiveness of the sanctions placed on the country by evoking feelings of sympathy and disapproval in her audience by applying  a dismal  tone, explicit narratives, and personal stories from people involved.


Unfortunately, University students have to analyze everything: people, ideas, public arguments etc , seemingly for no reason at all except  to confirm to  higher-ups that you can actually comprehend whatever is going on around you.  In rhetorical analysis of public arguments, specifically,  the goal is to use what you've observed and accurately pinpoint  the strategies an author, or whoever, used to sway their audience to their side of the debate.For example, in  Fifield's article, the author covers the illegal North Korean factories being operated in China despite the sanctions against the communist country. In a successful effort  to minimize the effectiveness of the sanctions and inform her audience of the misconceptions about the economy ; the author evokes sympathy and disapproval within her readers through the use of dreary tone, thought provoking narratives, and interviews from the citizens involved.

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