Friday, October 23, 2015

Narrowing my Focus

via Flickr by Kristina Alexanderson " looking through binoculars"

In this post I narrow down my 15 questions to a few

  • What will the American  government contribute to the AIIB to benefit themselves?
The U.S government after , disapproving the AIIB decided that it will work with the AIIB through the World Bank and International Monetary fund , and I think it's important to know  how they will help and if China will even need America's help?

  • What are the benefits other countries will receive from  joining the AIIB?
A lot of the media covered America's opposition against the bank but there wasn't  really any word from what the other countries who joined the AIIB thought and how it would help them by becoming one of the founding members
  • What are the new developments the AIIB will start or have already started working on? 
China stated that the bank will basically serve as a crutch for countries that need economic improvement on their infrastructure so it's common to want to know who the first candidate will be. 

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