Saturday, October 17, 2015

Paragraph Analysis 2

via Deviantart by larcelingllameworks " Tired Panda"

In this post I wearily  analyze my strengths and weakness of my essay (Even though I'd rather be at McDonalds ordering chicken mcnugggests or some other form of McHappiness )

In my paragraph analysis  I noticed that I explained myself pretty well in my paragraphs including why I chose a certain example and what it offers to the strategies used. I could be more explicit about the affects of these certain examples to the audience and why they would persuade someone. I also noticed that whenever I mixed the analysis of my text with addressing my audience it didn't flow well together so I'll have to fix that too.  My strengths would be using a lot of words to mask what I lack , and also providing useful explanations, My weakness would be  transitioning and not  going into minute detail.

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