Friday, October 30, 2015

My Rhetorical Action Plan

via Wikipedia uploaded by Wehope "Batman Villains The Penguin The Riddler The Joker 1967"
In this post I plot out my plan for my argument

Audience :

In my argument I'm trying to persuade young college students , preferably new to the economic major to understand my perspective and opinion about the AIIB Controversy.

  • Knowledge- The audience may  know the bare minimum about this controversy , which is that america had a problem with AIIB and China. but they won't know what exactly for or what the AIIB is used for . They may have opinions that strictly side with America that might need addressing so as to broaden their view as economists . 
  • Values -Other than having strong American values and thinking of the issue from a global political standpoint the audience shouldn't  hold many principles about the situation since they don't know much about it.
  • Standards of Argument- The research that will persuade my audience are scholarly sources from economists that are knowledgeable about the economic relations between America, China and the rest of the world. I would translate this research into a very basic and simplified version that anyone could understand including my audience. 
  • Visual Elements- My audience might respond to comedic visual elements that relate to the subject but still creates a lighthearted setting so that the reader won't feel overburdened with knowledge .
  • Purpose- My audience is reading my argument to expand their understanding of the global economic field, and perhaps further their comprehension to the point where they can make their own predictions about the economic future concerning America. My argument could possibly be sucessful in motivating my audience to at least ponder the future of the American Economy.


I'm considering a basic , but extremely casual blog post that honestly showcases my point of view.
for example these posts explain economics but in semi formal ways with a lot of confusing jargon. 1.
and 2. 

  • Function- the function of using a blog post is because it's  designed to be more like a conversation between two people rather than just giving someone a page of information to look through. I think it'll be easy to read through for the audience. 
  • Setting- I could see it being used online in a class discussion or even as a quick reference for a student's  research 
  • Appeals-I would use logos and ethos in my appeal by using factual evidence and proof from researchers with credibility and standing within the economic field. 
  • Visual Elements-I would use comedic images to keep the overall feel of the argument lighthearted and casual so it is easily digestible for the reader 
  • Style-I would be extremely casual and not use mind-numbing jargon that would tire the readers out

Another genre I would consider using would be an article in a campus newspaper or magazine.  some brief example would be something similar to this  or this one  which are virtually the same.

  • Function- the function of using a campus magazine or newspaper is because it is directly pinpointed towards college students and will make the reader feel as if it  is exclusive information for them
  • Setting-I could see it being used as a casual guide for expanding their knowledge on the subject 
  • Appeals- I would again use logos and ethos to appeal to my audience by utilizing research and opinions from credible sources 
  • Visual Elements-I would still use comedic images to keep the feel of the argument lighthearted
  • Style-I would still be casual as to not overwhelm my audience with information

Positive Actions

  1. My audience wholeheartedly agrees with my argument and adds even more information and reason as to why I'm right
  2. My audience understand the argument , agrees with it but can now do their own research to further predict what will happen in the coming future
  3. Whether they agree or not it motivates and inspires my reader to pursue research in the economic field to find their own answer to problems dealing with the global economy

Negative Rebuttals

  1. They agree with America's side and provide evidence of the " social and environmental" safeguards the U.S government listed as caution against China. In return I'll provide the benefits of the AIIB and the overall positive effect it'll have on the global economy
  2. They could disagree with the benefits of the AIIB and provide evidence that it wouldn't work out the way economists are hoping and I would then have to dig up evidence of China's history of becoming an economic powerhouse in a few short years and proving that the likelihood of failure with so many countries backing it is possible but won't be allowed to happen.
  3. They could also disagree about America making a mistake in not joining the AIIB and list reasons why it was a good thing they didn't join, and i would have to display America's footholds in the Asian market in general and explain why joining the AIIB would have helped.

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