Thursday, October 8, 2015

Draft Thesis Statement

via Flickr by rosipaw " square peg into a round hole"

In this post I draft thesis statements that could be used for my essay.

  • In Fifield's article , the author successfully  navigates the reader through the hidden business operations being practiced on the border between China and North Korea in a sucessful attempt to showcase not only the misconceptions America has on the North Korean economy but  to also minimize the actual effectiveness of  the sanctions. Fifield's techniques stem from evoking sympathy and disapproval  from her readers through the use of tone , word choice, and the image provoking narratives from the citizens involved.
  • The author of "North Korea's growing economy and America's Misconceptions about it"  utilizes  somber tone and word choice as well as factual narratives from interviewed citizens  to dredge up powerful images of illegal businesses being ran by North Koreans in Dandong China. Fifield influences her audience to agree with the inadequacy of the sanctions placed on North Korea and approaches her argument with the purpose of  informing the general public of the sanctions  affects.
  • As an example of rhetorical analysis of a public argument I'll use Fifield's piece on the  North Korean factories being operated in Dandong China despite the sanctions placed on the communist regime. In the article  the author's use of  despondent tone and word choice, and the high use of personal accounts from actual people involve, effortlessly generates emotions of sympathy and contempt within her audience , all for the purpose of  gently guiding her readers to agree with her sentiments about the uselessness of the sanctions placed on North Korea.
After writing the thesis over and over for my essay I do have a general idea of how I would like to organize everything in my essay , and how I want to address my audience and convey the instructions to them as well. . Although each thesis ,in my opinion , is  pretty lengthy I'm leaning more towards the third  and second one because of the detail in them. However i'm pretty sure  i'm going to end up using a combination of all the three to get my essay started.

Reflection: After reading Michaela and Mathias's blog post  I felt more confident at the three I worte. I felt like both Michaela and Mathias had a  really solid thesis for their essay. Although both were a bit lengthy , which is a common problem for all of ours I think that once we polish up are respective statements  and clean up the wording that it'll be fine.


  1. I think these sample thesis statements are all very good, especially after discussing theses more in depth in class. Based on these three I think your first thesis is the strongest. It involves a number of different elements that all tie together. That being said, I think number two and number three could be reworded in order to convey the same message that is conveyed in the first one.

  2. This sounds like a really interesting topic! I agree that you should pick one of the last two. The third, to me, seems to have many different subjects and a lot of substance, making it easier to write more with.
