Friday, October 16, 2015

Reflection on project 2 draft

via Flickr by Chimpr  " pondering life"
I revised Austin and Mathias's drafts  and in this post I solemnly reflect and ponder on my own misguided  attempt of an essay.

Identifiable Thesis?  I don't use pathos logos or ethos in my thesis and it's identifiable because it lists which strategies i'm going to analyze in my essay.

Organize Essay?  I decided to organize my essay in an.....odd way.   I addressed my audience first and then went into my rhetorical analysis and continued that pattern by writing my analysis and then explaining it to my audience.  However each  paragraph addresses a point and then goes on to explain it in the other sentences.

Rhetorical Strategies?  I don't know about several important rhetorical elements but I did analyze the ones I thought were important and made the most impact within the text. Although I didn't  analyze the structure or the context within the text was written in . Which I'm going to have to go back to do because I feel like it offers more of an explanation and chance for analyzing .

Why Rhetorical Strategies were used?  I feel like I did explain why my rhetorical strategies were used and in regards to my fictional audience I even went as far as explaining why I chose to use those strategies for my analysis as well. However I could go into more detail when explaining why I wrote what I wrote in case my readers misinterpret something .

Evidence?  I did use evidence in the paragraphs containing my analysis of the text . Although I could go into more detail in explaining  why this particular example is the best choice for a particular strategy.

The Reader? I don't think I leave the reader wanting more , only because as a reader myself , whenever I read any essay I've never wanted  more. However I do think I answer the question of so what , as it pertains to my own rhetorical audience and why they should care about this.

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