Saturday, September 5, 2015

Annotated Bibliography In APA Form
by LOLitsLloyd 
The Citation style used commonly for Economics is APA which is generally used to cite references for the Social Sciences.

Annotated Bibliography

      (2015,April, 4), Establishment of AIIB to bring myriad of advantages : expert. China Daily European Edition, Retrieved from

The author uses this article to explain the benefits and advantages other countries would receive from the AIIB. The article uses direct quotes from a deputy director of the foreign policy and strategic studies in Vietnam to back up their article.

In this source I observed that the article is persuasive in listing the advantages and benefits of the AIIB by using the quotes from a person of authority. This could be put to future use by explaining the advantages  of the new bank from a different country's perspective.

     Dollar, D. (2014, October,22) The Creation of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank Is the               Right Move for the Global Economy Retrieved from

Dollar uses his article to explain the reason for and the benefits of the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank, He argues from  China's point of view defending their reason for creating a separate institution to help fund  and develop projects that could further the Asian economy. 

 I observed that Dollar's experience as an economist for the Chinese Center of the Brookings Institute made his point of view credible and I could see the financial need for the AIIB. I could see this article becoming a reference for people who want to look up the acknowledged benefits of the AIIB. 

      Felixon, C. ( 2015, August, 24) China The Key to The New World Order [online post]  Retrieved          from

Felixon's purpose was to draw attention to the far edge of controversial matters and write about the recently developed AIIB as a government conspiracy.

Felixon  cites an investigative journalists you tube video to back up their post of the subject matter. I observed that rather than citing from more informative and objective sources that the writer chooses to write  from a different perspective . In the future someone could site this as part of the public's reaction to the AIIB issue.

     Keynes, E.(2015, August, 21)  After The United States Recent Diplomatic Disaster[ online post]          Retrieved from

Keynes purpose of her post was to simply inform on the topic at hand while offering a bit of her opinion. The author references to a news site to offer further clarification on the subject.

I observed that although the author uses descriptive vocabulary to describe the U.S's opposition they remain informative  and a person could reference this post as another reaction from the public about China's AIIB creation .

       Kilby, C. (2013) An Empirical Assessment of Informal Influence in the World Bank. Economic             Development and Cultural Change,  61, 431-464. doi: 10. 1086/668278

Kilby uses mathematical equations and models to explain the influence certain countries have over international institutions like the Word Bank and the International Monetary Fund. He uses this evidence to cite donor influence control over which countries were able to get loans for projects.

The article granted some insight into other likely reasons the U.S would oppose China's new bank; because it would challenge the influence and power the U.S holds over institutions like the World bank. This article would be best used for an essay that went into the different explanations of why the U.S would disapprove another internationally funded bank.

        laststandb (2015, May) What are the effects of China Creating a Bank (AIIB-Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank). Retrieved from

The author of the post answers the question by describing what the AIIB is and it's purpose of distributing soft power and policy conditions. The author uses what they know without citing any sources.

The post gives some insight into what everyday citizens know of the AIIB and their thoughts and questions about it. This post could be put to future use by citing what the everyday person knows about the AIIB

         McNally, C .(2012) Sino-Capitalism: China's Reemergence and the International Political          Economy [Abstract] . World Politics, 64,741-776                                                 

McNally's writing serves to go into depth between the relationship between China's growing economy and the already established , American Economy. McNally draws examples from China and America's economy and goes  further to define Sino-Capitalism and it's relationship to the U.S.

The writing offered further illumination into the economic relationship with America and China and for future use could aid a person in understanding America's  reservations about the AIIB

      Northam,J. (2015,March,31) Dozens of Countries Join China Backed Bank Opposed by                Washington Retrieved from http://

Northam's purpose in writing the article was to inform the reader of which countries were joining the AIIB despite the U.S's disapproval and which were remaining loyal. , It also further explains the reason for the U.S's opposition and future plans to work with the AIIB.

Northam utilizes the credible sources from the Wall Street Journal and the Center for Strategic and International studies to back up her information.I observed that the author takes an objective stance on the subject and I could see this article becoming a neutral resource for people looking for informative updates on the situation.

      Stiglitz, J (2015, April,13)Why America doesn't Welcome China's New Infrastructure Bank      Retrieved from

Stiglitz's purpose in writing the article was to question and offer reasoning as to why America would oppose the AIIB. The author uses America's previous history with plans for other world monetary institutions to back up the claim that America doesn't want  the bank to undermine it's influence in the global finance market.

I observed that the author answers their own question in the article and backs up their claim with historical evidence , and I could see this article becoming a source for evidence in proving that America's main reason for opposition is because of the fear of losing influence in the world market

       The Money GPS~Author Exposing the Truth. (2015, March, 30) Currency War! 40 Countries Join China in  Asian Infrastructure Investment [video file]. Retrieved from

The purpose of the video was to  explain what the AIIB is, it's functions , and  to give details into how it will effect the future.  The youtuber uses sources from Reuters and Wikipedia to emphasize their idea.

I observed that the youtuber used plenty of sources to emphasize their point and even expanded on those point with their own  knowledge and predictions. This source could be used to expand on different points and effects the AIIB will have on the future global economy

APA Annotated Bibliography

Looking at Joy's post made me a bit envious at first because AMS seems so much simpler than APA, but then I realized  whether it looks simpler or not , no one wants to do them anyway. However I do recognize the need for them and when I viewed Allison's post , who also has APA,  I realized that summarizing while you're citing your sources is helpful for people looking them up.



  1. Zayla, I had the same bibliography citation style that you did and it was definitely a change from the usual MLA style format that I am used to. I like that you included what we need to along with specific details from the sources to customize each annotation. There are a couple extra spaces but I had to format mine in Word as well in order to make it easier.

  2. I am pretty sure the style I did (Physiology) was essentially APA, as I have done APA citations before and it was the same as far as I can remember. However, my annotated bibliography looks slightly different from this. For the most part your bibliography looks good, I just have two critiques. First, you have some odd formatting issues going on, that may have come from your hanging indent being transferred over to blog format. Regardless of how it happened, I would go through and fix it as it makes it significantly harder to track your citations. Second, (don't quote me on this) I think if you don't have an author, and just a date, either you put the title first, or it goes at the end of the bibliography.
