Saturday, September 19, 2015

Paragraph analysis

via Flickr by Tollie Schmidt " I am the greatest"

In this post I state my weakness and strengths in the draft I wrote of the AIIB controversy

  • Strengths- My main strength in my QRG was stating the idea of my paragraphs, emphasizing key points and explaining what was going to my readers. I noticed in my own work that i could bring focus to these main points and tie them back to the main idea.
  • Weaknesses - Transitioning and Organization were probably my weakest points because I  wasn't sure if just a two sentence paragraph could really be a structured organized idea or if it was just some additional information  that I decided to make into another paragraph. Another thing was the development of my ideas. In my more lengthy paragraphs I could see where I  developed the idea and  organized it to make sense, but in my shorter ones I couldn't see the development of main ideas, it was more like they were small  ideas from the lengthy paragraphs that I broke off into separate paragraphs.

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