Saturday, September 26, 2015

Developing a Research Question

via Flickr by Duncan Hull " Question Everything (Nullius in Verba) take nobody's Word for it " 

  1. My first research question concerning my field of study would probably be which companies contribute the most to the global economy as a whole and what would happen if they were to fail.?  From what I know  huge corporations generate enough revenue for an economy to where if they were to falter a little bit it would create major consequences.
  2. What controversies are concerning these corporations?  Whenever there is a controversy concerning top companies their stocks drop a little and it creates a ripple affect in the market .
  3. Which countries are going through an economic collapse and is there a country who  is trying to help them and are there countries who don't want to help them? I'm pretty sure every country goes through a recession, depression, or collapse every other month but I would like to know North Korea specifically, becasue they are kind of a taboo country who plays by their own rules and I want to know how they're being sustained financially.  

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