Sunday, November 15, 2015

Reflection on project 3

via Deviant Art by Calling-All-Angelz "Stitch Reading" 

In this post I reflect on Project 3 and I also  reviewed Lia's  and Allison's writing

1. Who reviewed ?
Professor Bottai  reviewed it but that's it . peers as far as the eye can see.......................

update : Alex reviewed my blog about the AIIB

2. Feedback?

I was told to focus on the specifics of my arguments  and not go into much explanation about the general controversy because it's similar to a QRG.  Basically I was told to just dive right into my argument. Although it's written well Alex also agrees that it might be too similar to a QRG .

 Aspects of project 3 that need most work?

specifying the genre that I'm doing, and applying that format to my argument as well as focusing on a specific point of my argument to elaborate on instead of summarizing what the controversy is about in the beginning.

4. Overall Feelings?

I think once I get a clear idea of my genre or if I just directly jump into my argument befitting the economic blogging genre then i'll be fine.

1 comment:

  1. 5 extra credit points attributed to Blog Posts 11.3, 4.12 & "RRR to My Thoughts on Comments"
