Sunday, November 22, 2015

Reflection on Project 3

Via Flickr by Leland Francisco "Positive Thinker"

In this post I reflect on project three and answer some questions.

  • What was revised?  In my final draft of my project I cut down on the summary of the situation and attempted to relate it to myself as a college student in the economics major. For example I clearly stated my potion, "As an American College student"  Also I changed the image of my project to better suit the content.
  • How did I reconsider my thesis or organization?  I reconsidered my organization of my project by cutting down on the summary and attempting to jump more into the point of my argument. For example I state my opinion in the thesis of the first paragraph. and then proceed to go through my argument with explanations and reasons.
  • What led to those changes?  I had to reconsider my genre and try to follow the format of those examples for my public argument. 
  • How do these changes affect credibility? I think by including my perspective as a college student in the economics major increased my credibility to the audience.
  •   How will these changes better address the audience or venue? My argument is directed at college students who are interested in global economics , and the changes I made in my draft will enable them to relate more to the argument and to me as the author.
  • How did I reconsider sentence structure and style? I reconsider sentence style and structure by attempting to create a  more casual , easily comprehensible but still informative dialogue throughout my argument.  for instance throughout the entirety of my argument I refer to America as a hater of China's AIIB.
  • How will these changes assist the audience in understanding the purpose? Without being bored of the content they'll be able to easily understand and agree with points while still finding the humor in the situation. 
  • Did I reconsider the genre conventions that I was writing for?  Yes, My argument looked too similar to a QRG so I had to shorten the summary part of  my argument.
  • How does this process help me reconsider my identity as a writer?  The process of  reflection helped me to reconsider how I follow the conventions of the genre I chose and that by  finding the right genre to display my opinions will help in choosing how I utilize  that platform or genre for any piece of writing.

Publishing Project 3

"Myrtle Snow AHS" by Zayla Crocker

In this post I post my final project : Why the U.S is making a Mistake in Hating on China's AIIB

Target audience currently stands on the issue (before reading/watching/hearing your argument) below:
Strongly                                            Totally neutral                                                    Strongly
  Target audience should be (after they've read/watched/heard your argument) below:
Strongly                                            Totally neutral                                                    Strongly
agree                                                                                                                          disagree

3. Check one (and only one) of the argument types below for your public argument:
 ____X___ My public argument openly refutes a specific solution or policy under debate (and clearly identifies the idea I'm refuting).

4.  explain how your public argument doesn’t simply restate information from other sources, but provides original context and insight into the situation:  

 Rather than restating other sources my argument questions the sensibility of the decisions made by the U.S by providing examples and reasons as to why I feel the way I do and even going as far as explaining what would have been a better option.

5. Identify the specific rhetorical appeals you believe you've employed in your public argument below:

Ethical or credibility-establishing appeals

___X__ Referring to credible sources (established journalism, credentialed experts, etc.)
  __X___ Employing carefully chosen key words or phrases that demonstrate you are credible (proper terminology, strong but clear vocabulary, etc.)
___X__ Adopting a tone that is inviting and trustworthy rather than distancing or alienating
___X__ Arranging visual elements properly (not employing watermarked images, cropping images carefully, avoiding sloppy presentation)                    
_   X___ Sharing any personal expertise you may possess about the subject (your identity as a student in your discipline affords you some authority here)
 __X___ Openly acknowledging counterarguments and refuting them intelligently

                    Emotional appeals

 __X__ Employing the repetition of key words or phrases that create an appropriate emotional impact
 __X__ Appropriate use of humor for subject matter, platform/website, audience
 __X__ Employing an engaging and appropriate tone of voice for the debate

Logical or rational appeals

  X__ Using statistics from credible sources in order to establish precedents, trends, or patterns
_X__ Using expert opinions that help affirm your stance or position
 X__ Effective organization of elements, images, text, etc                  
  Examples:  The Economist  Slate   Naked Capitalism

Project 3

                  Why The U.S is Making a Mistake by hating on China's AIIB

"Myrtle Snow AHS" by Zayla Crocker
After The U.S acted like the classic mean girl, by which I mean, disapproving China's AIIB idea and trying to get all the other countries to go against it as well, they have recently decided on some sort of back handed truce. Not an apology. Not an offer to join , but a deal that insures that China isn't spending all their money on the bank of their own creation but still depositing money into the highly American influenced World bank.Although the World bank will offer to help ,America ,the country that promotes international free trade and progress ,have basically turned down a prime opportunity to  personally be a part of a new era of intentional funding 

As an economics major who's interested in global economics this confuses me. Logically, you would think after all the other countries promptly ignored America's claims that they "feared" China wouldn't follow environmental or labor safeguards, that the government would  at least change their mind and attempt to apologize for their pettiness , and offer to take part in China's ambitious and globally beneficial project as David Dollar , a senior fellow of Foreign policy and Global economy at the Bookings Institution agrees.

Rather than feeling threatened of having their global power being taken away and creating some weak excuses( that none of the other five hundred countries who joined the AIIB were worried about at all , mind you)  The U.S should have kept their feelings to themselves and offered to be the first one to join the AIIB . And why?

 The benefits would have been tremendous . For instance the U.K was one of the first European countries to join the AIIB and the result? A reported 60 billion dollar deal from China covering The U.K's industries of retail, finance, energy  and aerospace will signed. Also China will be financially backing the U.K's first nuclear factory in twenty five years.  Now of course , just because someone joined doesn't mean their privy to this kind of monetary benefit , but China has been investing an awful lot money in developed nations particularly the U.S.  Business Spectator states that  reports have shown that  over the last five years an estimate of 46 billion have been spent on projects in the U.S .  So who's to say that a billion dollar deal wouldn't have come America's way if they had joined?

Naturally, it's sensible  to think that the U.S could have happily indulged in that kind of  monetary support but instead they loudly, and openly displayed their . If they had joined first they could have politely stated their concerns and had one of their own agents investigate the financial transactions of the AIIB. As an added result America wouldn't look shady or seem blatantly threatened by how well the Asian Infrastructure Investment will do.

As any American college student who wants to be involved in international economics would feel, it seem that our government made an emotionally charged decision that could leave the U.S out of major economic changes in the coming future.  As most people in the economics field knows, China is a rising star in the global markets, and the AIIB will perhaps only further that role. As an international bank it could prove to run  dare I say, better than the banks America helped create.   Unlike other institutions the AIIB will offer more loans to countries with ' fewer strings attached' , contrary to others.  For example , usually a country needs a loan to fix an energy shortage, or water shortage,  or some sort of building project for roads and hospitals . Other institutions ( *cough* The World Bank) would require the cost of materials used like bricks or asphalt  or water treatment  to be raised substantially( which would probably come out of the citizen's taxes) in order to equal the amount loaned out. The AIIB however would not do that and instead rely on other finance options . (CNBC)

Presently,despite the niceties, China could essentially care less about the U.S's assistance in these grand global plans that include creating substantial trade throughout Eurasia and Africa that could result in the development of poor countries.Although China says they welcome any participation America will offer they probably don't need (or care for )America's meddling ,which is reiterated in MarketPulse .

Essentially  America fears China's rising power in the economic sector, however if the government  really wanted to stop it , maybe they should have allied themselves with the AIIB, just like the old cliche goes, "If you can't beat them , join them"  If (or perhaps a better word is when) the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank turns out to be as good as everyone is predicating it to be,American influenced institutions could be on the decline and the fear of China's rising power could turn into a reality.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Reflection on project 3

via Deviant Art by Calling-All-Angelz "Stitch Reading" 

In this post I reflect on Project 3 and I also  reviewed Lia's  and Allison's writing

1. Who reviewed ?
Professor Bottai  reviewed it but that's it . peers as far as the eye can see.......................

update : Alex reviewed my blog about the AIIB

2. Feedback?

I was told to focus on the specifics of my arguments  and not go into much explanation about the general controversy because it's similar to a QRG.  Basically I was told to just dive right into my argument. Although it's written well Alex also agrees that it might be too similar to a QRG .

 Aspects of project 3 that need most work?

specifying the genre that I'm doing, and applying that format to my argument as well as focusing on a specific point of my argument to elaborate on instead of summarizing what the controversy is about in the beginning.

4. Overall Feelings?

I think once I get a clear idea of my genre or if I just directly jump into my argument befitting the economic blogging genre then i'll be fine.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Draft of Public Argument

via Deviant Art by coconutgiroro "Homework Makes Me Tired"

In this post I introduce my draft

Because my genre is a blog you'll just be directed to another blog post . Sorry for being lazy.
I'm never sure about anything I write so ....any suggestion is a good suggestion unless it's rude.


Draft : How the U.S looks like a hater compared to the AIIB

via Flickr by  doobybrain

The US has created another awkward situation. Recently the  American government stubbornly opposed the creation of China's Asian Infrastructure  Investment bank. They even went as far as trying to covertly sway other countries from joining the AIIB ,  much like how mean girls would  try to get everyone in school to shun a girl they didn't like. However America's opposition  was dutifully ignored  as everyone, except for loyal Japan, joined the AIIB. America is now  stuck, looking petty and  trying trying to maintain the facade that they support the AIIB  while not admitting that they just may have made a sad  mistake.

Recently the US government declared a  backhanded truce with China, hoping to put the semi embarrassing ordeal behind them. The "truce" also made sure that China would continue to place  funds into the World bank and other American influenced institutions. Although China says they welcome any participation America will offer they probably don't need (or care for )America's help which is reiterated in MarketPulse .

A few months back, America stated that the opposition of the AIIB came from concerns about environmental, and social safeguards however most economists and news sources stated it came from the U.S feeling that their influence in the global economy would be  threatened by the AIIB , and it will.

Be that as it may ,Economists across the globe and even in America,  proclaim that the AIIB will  be an overall benefit to the world and  perhaps run better than the world bank.  Meaning, that more loans will be offered to countries with ' fewer strings attached' , unlike the American influenced World Bank.  For example , Usually a country needs a loan to fix an energy shortage, or water shortage, some sort of building projects like for roads and hospitals . Other institutions ( *cough* The World Bank) would require the cost of materials used like bricks or asphalt  or water treatment  to be raised substantially in order to equal the amount loaned out. The AIIB however would not do that and instead rely on other finance options . (CNBC)

The AIIB hasn't even funded it's first project yet and it's already turning out to be a better option than the old institutions . The main goals of the AIIB are to help out undeveloped Asian countries however a benefit for one is essentially a benefit for all  in dealing with global economics even though the U.S didn't see it that way in the beginning.

via Deviant Art
 by XXspiritwolf2000XX
"Haters gonna hate" hate-372411504
Rather than being what some would call " a hater" The U.S should have kept their feelings to themselves and offered to be the first one to join the AIIB . and why?  The benefits would have been tremendous . For instance the U.K was one of the first European countries to join the AIIB and the result? A reported 60 billion dollar deal from China covering The U.K's industries of retail, finance, energy  and aerospace will signed. Also China will be financially backing the U.K's first nuclear factory in twenty five years.  Now of course , just because someone joined doesn't mean their privy to this kind of monetary benefit , but China has been investing an awful lot money in developed nations particularly the U.S.  Business Spectator states that  reports have shown that  over the last five years  an estimate of 46 billion have been spent on projects in the U.S  So who's to say that a billion dollar deal wouldn't have come America's way if they had joined?

Naturally, it's logical to think that the U.S could have happily  indulged in that kind of support but instead they were a bit rude in openly shutting down the development of the AIIB. If they had joined first and then covertly investigated later America wouldn't be stuck looking like a hater and there might possibly have been some agreement or contract that would have helped out the economy as well.Presently,despite the niceties, China could essentially care less about the U.S's assistance in these grand global plans that include creating substantial trade throughout Eurasia and Africa that could result in the development of poor countries.

In essence America fears China's rising power in the economic sector, however if the government  really wanted to stop it , maybe they should have allied themselves with the AIIB. If (or when) the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank turns out to be as good as everyone is predicating it to be ,  American influenced institutions could be on the decline and that fear could turn into a reality.


Considering Visual Elements

via Flickr by StrangeTikiGod "Why so serious George?"

In this post I consider visual elements and as a side note I think I shall use this image again for my writing because I love it and it fits the theme of my public argument .

Creating Visual Salience

  • Is image theme relevant to argument theme?  I'm planning on using comical images to display my point of view. Whatever theme the image has should co-exist well with my argument and keep the feel lighthearted.
  • Is image tone relevant to tone of article? Because I'm using funny probably cartoonish images in my argument the tone should match the casualness that i'm trying to create within my writing. Overall becasue the images are light they well fit well with the tone of my writing. 
  • Does image inform or emphasize argument? The images I plan on using will emphasize my argument. Essentially i'll use casual words as if I'm talking to a friend like "petty" or  childish" and the images will emphasize the tone of those words as well as my argument.
  • Is the image in close proximity to text? I'm not sure about the placement yet. I guess wherever I feel I need to place an image is where i'll place it and if it's above or below the text is where it will be. 
  • If the image is a graph or chart does it support argument? I haven't thought about using a graph yet. However if  I use a graph, though i'm not sure in what aspect i'll use it , then it will definitely be relevant to my argument and support it. 
  • Is the image in close proximity with the argument?  physically or visually? because it will be both . The images will relate to the argument and be closed to the argument as well. by relate though I mean it will make sense why I chose that image rather than just putting random images of .....I don't know..... , unicorns on there. 

Project 3 Outline

via Flickr  by gfpeck "Extra. Extra"
In this post I create an outline of my argument


For an introduction to my argument , Think about your Situation is the best choice.  Essentially i'm just refuting a situation and trying to persuade my audience to look at it from what I assume is the better viewpoint (my own)  and how I think it should be handled instead . Rather than going into tedious details I can use other credible sources for my evidence and build upon my argument so my audience is persuaded to see from my point of view . 


1. Points of argument: why the US handled the AIIB in a childish way
  • It made the government look bad  when other countries didn't back the U.S 's  reasons against China
  • The U.S has been trying to gain a foothold into the Asian Market so joining the AIIB would have been a good thing, so it draws up questions as to why they opposed it so much
  • Most likely if the U.S joined there would have been tangible benefits from China to our own struggling economy
  • The way the U.S is handing it now is slightly petty and embarrassing because although they "support" China now, they are not trying to rectify the situation by helping out the AIIB's endeavors but instead they are  making sure China is still putting money into the heavily American influenced World bank.
2. Criticisms of my Argument
  • Americas reasons of environmental and social issues regarding the AIIB's development as well as issues regarding the transparency of the flow of funds from china to other countries is  a logical concern and America should keep out of the business of other countries endeavors while making sure they're interests are squared away .
3. Key Support and Rebuttal

Support: The U.S is handling the situation in a strange way although the world bank is extending their hand the American government itself is not.  The chance to join the AIIB would have been great for the American market but it seems America has missed it's chance due to the fact that it seemed more likely that they were threatened  of the AIIB's formation rather than concerned. 

Rebuttal: America's concerns are logical and the way America is handling the situation is good for economics as well as good politics , and as long as American interests are secure there shouldn't be reason for America to dive right into another responsibility.  However none of that is true becasue it's makes global relations awkward , makes America seem petty and it throws away a good opportunity for the U.S if they had joined and openly supported the AIIB.

4. Topic Sentence

After opposing the formation of China's AIIB and covertly trying to get other countries to turn away from it as well, The U.S has now dropped it's opposition and  now  awkwardly"supports" the endeavors of the bank , not only has our government missed out on a prime opportunity ,  but China and everyone who has joined does not want or need ( and perhaps never needed ) the governments  thinly veiled support anyway. 




The best conclusion for my argument would be Future of the Debate.  Or rather the future of the issue and where I think it will lead to and what will come from the U.S 's actions. I chose this  because the goal for my audience is to get them to think about my estimated  result of the actions taken by the government and see if they can create a better conclusion or predication about will happen in the future. 

Reflection: From reading Jovanka and Lia's posts on their project outlines I noticed that my argument doesn't really affect anyone personally like the environment would so mapping out the benefits to people for my argument wouldn't necessarily work , but rather listing the benefits fro the country and economy as a whole would. and when i realized that I knew I was on the right track for my argument.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Analyzing my Genre

via Flickr by Fernando Hernandez " Suspicious Fry"

In this post I analyze the genre I chose, which are economic blogs



Social Context : 

  • Where? The genre is typically set in economic news sites , such as online magazines or online newspapers or on independent sites for blogs.
  • What? the subject of the genre that I chose and that is displayed within the five examples are related to China's economy and the development of the AIIB, and it's effects on the current global economic balance.  
  • Who? People related to the field of  economics or business or wanting to learn and be given up to  date  information on current economic news read this genre. 
  • When? Why? What purpose ?  The genre is used at all times and offers brief but in depth information that a person can read (usually) without being too overwhelmed by the content.

Rhetorical Pattern of the Genre:

  • Type of Content?  It usually contains a  factual report , and an opinion on the current economic trends and news , and an opinionated predication of how a certain economic action will turn out in the future and it's impacts
  • Rhetorical appeals used often? The rhetorical appeal used often in economic blogs are logos and ethos .  logos because they display evidence and figures from factual  sources and experienced knowledge of the topic, and ethos because usually the person writing the blog is a credible figure in the economic sphere such as the writer being David Dollar in  example three    
  • How are the texts organized? The texts usually start with a general statement or opinion about the topic and then breaks it self down into sections to explain it's viewpoints and offer evidence and then ends in a resulted prediction or conclusion of the impacts of the topic. such as is displayed in example five.
  • Do sentences have a certain style? There isn't really a standard sentence style for economic blogs.  The sentences are pretty straightforward and the paragraphs are full of hyperlinks for added resources. which is displayed in example one 
  • Word choice? The words used are pretty heavy with difficult economic jargon  the overall effect gives the blog a professional and trusted tone such as  example three again.

Social Context of Genre:

  • Who does the genre include/exclude? The genre of the text includes  people who  have an interest and maybe even be involved with economic becasue of the terms used. The genre may exclude people who aren't as involved in the field as is seen  again in example one. 
  • What roles for writers and readers does the genre encouraged? The genre encourages the reader to have a bit of prior knowledge of the topic and basic economics so they don't get confused while reading and the it encourages the writer to take on a professional and almost professor like tone in relaying the information and facts.
  • What beliefs/values are assumed from users of genre? the beliefs and values assumed from the users of the genre, is that they value the opinion of trusted economic researchers and people related to the industry , so much so that they will consider their opinions and predictions about certain topics.
  • What content is most valuable / least valuable? In economic blogs the facts and the ending prediction or estimated result of the writer's suggestion is the the most valuable part of the content. the least valuable would be .....well it's all pretty valuable since the facts include everything that's in the blog.


 From reading Lia and Allison's posts I learned that  both of them are doing text centered genres as well . and although Lia's is more informal Allison's , similar to mine doesn't have many visuals or eye catching variables to draw in readers. It made wonder if I should change my genre to something else , but then I thought " well i'm too far now."  so I'll just change some of the mechanics of the genre i'm writing . unlike the examples posted, save for the Washington Post one, mine will be shorter , extremely casual with visuals , only because it's directed towards a different audience and they , similar to me, would get bored.