Friday, August 28, 2015

It's Really MY Controversy


           Following the Massacre   of nine black churchgoers by Dylan Roof ,who was spotted showcasing the confederate flag , debates, and protests , fueled a decades long argument  about whether the losing civil war flag should remain at the capital building. The result of this fire that started in the beginning months of summer, is that the flag is officially down. Just as the NY Times agrees ,   , The South Carolina government and a majority of its' citizens have agreed that it was time to put the old battle flag to rest .  As in most cases there were a few who were openly disappointed and angrily protested the decision but what's done is done.

         I chose this controversy because I am from South Carolina, not Charleston or Columbia , but  my town is only a couple of hours away.  It's slightly annoying/amusing to  see people wearing it ,   fluttering it around on their cars when they are not even from the Palmetto state ( South Carolina's nickname) . It just seems like people who don't even know about the south, much less South Carolina, or it's "heritage" ,  generally have the most to say about it.

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