Friday, August 28, 2015

Calendar Reflection (I got this )

          While going over what I had written in my calendar the only thought that went through my mind was....... "I really  need a job". Maybe because this is the first week , everything seems extremely hectic, but, I think I  have a considerable amount of free time on my hands.
     Even when I factor  in my TV drama time ,  I realize that I should  have plenty of time to complete my coursework.  The only issue for me would be to actually remember to do all of it before it's due. Other than  keeping a watchful eye on due dates , I'm pretty sure I'll be fine with the course load. That is, until I get job, but for now I'm okay, despite being a bit overwhelmed at everything I  have to do this week.  
     Also taking in account the need for 6 hours for  English did seem a bit much considering that  I have 4 other classes that all need my undivided devotion and attention but ..........I'll see what I can do. 

Reflection: From reading Stef and Lauren's post I realize that maybe I should be a bit more strict on myself and time commitments but every time I think about it , I also realize that I don't want to sacrifice my, all important, drama time either. This does cause a particular inner turmoil but, regardless I'll stick with my current routine for as long as I can. It's gotten me this far , and if it ain't broke don't fix it.


  1. Having a lot of extra free time isn't always a good thing. In my experiences, too much free time leads to procrastination, and ultimately going crazy! Don't get me wrong, we all need time to relax and just kick back, but having a busy schedule forces you to take care of business immediately, while you still have time to do it!

    Just kidding. Having a job is honestly pretty integral to my college success because it forces me to work on time management (which I have a track record of being horrendous at). I only work 11 hours a week, so I'm getting pretty decent money and better habits from doing this. That being said, at points, it becomes pretty overwhelming for me. Therefore, I'd think long and hard about if you want to subject yourself to working and whatever that entails. I highly recommend it.

  3. I can definitely relate to the fact of wanting to get in the TV time and I really need a job as well. However, I feel like I have so much to do and not enough time that I could not even imagine finding time for everything I need to do and a job. Each class says you need 2 hours of homework for every credit and that does seem like a lot as well.

  4. Keeping an agenda always helps whether you feel really busy or you have lots of free time. It helps you stay on top of your course work as well as plan for free time. I do appreciate that you took time to consider your TV time as you can't do homework 24/7. I hope whatever you choose about your job, you have enough time for you.
