Friday, August 28, 2015

My Thoughts on Comments

1. Reasonable Comments

2. Unreasonable

Fears and Anxieties 

Reasonable Comments: The first comment by DannyBonaducci  doesn't seem to be expressing a fear.  Instead he could be expressing a worry that the flag supporters wouldn't understand why some people wouldn't want the flag to be hung up when it means something different to them. He gives a detailed historical explanation and then he leaves his comment with a question expressing this inquiry . The second comment  by fallonw2 seems to be expressing the anxiety that the confederate flag could be interpreted as a flag of traitors  and disloyalty because they bring up the historical facts of South Carolina seceding and becoming independent of the U.S for a brief period of time.

Unreasonable Comments:  The first comment from Jed Riley expresses the fear of the public thinking that the confederate flag could be interpreted as a racist symbol and  in return they make a list of what it means to them. The second comment is funny and doesn't express any fears or anxieties because it's meant to be humorous but if it did it would be the fear that every time the subject is brought up the south gets distracted by good southern cooking.

Beliefs and values

Reasonable Comments:  The beliefs and values of the two reasonable comments are similar in that they both believe that the confederate flag is stemmed in racism and fallonw2 takes it further to believe that the confederate flag is a traitor's flag , and he brings in american values by claiming that it is against what America stands for.

Unreasonable Comments:  The beliefs and Values stated by Jed Riley are of  freedom , state's rights and southern heritage . The commentator clearly believes the confederate flag should remain as they list what the flag stands for. Xerxes McClassington  however believes that south Carolina is easily distracted and will push issues under the rug for a biscuit.

Credible Comments:  I found the comments made by DannyBonaducci and fallonw2  reasonable because they backed up their opinions with true facts from history without making baseless assumptions.

Lacking Credibility:  The comments made by Jed Riley  were unreasonable to me because they stated that the flag had never represented racism which is a lie because there are cases of many people and groups who display the flag in a negative way. If he had said some use it for negative persons but their are some who truly believe it is heritage then it would have been a more reasonable opinion. With Xerxes McClassington  however he /she makes a completely baseless though humorous statement.


Reflection: From reading Olivia and Betsy's post it reminded me of why it's only good to read people's comments for a quick laugh and not for anything serious. People who don't have any prior knowledge on a subject can pretend to have authority or rant about it. However it also proved that  there are people who post comments that are backed with facts, and experiences keeping the comments credible and adding an even more informative touch on the topic at hand.

It's Really MY Controversy


           Following the Massacre   of nine black churchgoers by Dylan Roof ,who was spotted showcasing the confederate flag , debates, and protests , fueled a decades long argument  about whether the losing civil war flag should remain at the capital building. The result of this fire that started in the beginning months of summer, is that the flag is officially down. Just as the NY Times agrees ,   , The South Carolina government and a majority of its' citizens have agreed that it was time to put the old battle flag to rest .  As in most cases there were a few who were openly disappointed and angrily protested the decision but what's done is done.

         I chose this controversy because I am from South Carolina, not Charleston or Columbia , but  my town is only a couple of hours away.  It's slightly annoying/amusing to  see people wearing it ,   fluttering it around on their cars when they are not even from the Palmetto state ( South Carolina's nickname) . It just seems like people who don't even know about the south, much less South Carolina, or it's "heritage" ,  generally have the most to say about it.

Calendar Reflection (I got this )

          While going over what I had written in my calendar the only thought that went through my mind was....... "I really  need a job". Maybe because this is the first week , everything seems extremely hectic, but, I think I  have a considerable amount of free time on my hands.
     Even when I factor  in my TV drama time ,  I realize that I should  have plenty of time to complete my coursework.  The only issue for me would be to actually remember to do all of it before it's due. Other than  keeping a watchful eye on due dates , I'm pretty sure I'll be fine with the course load. That is, until I get job, but for now I'm okay, despite being a bit overwhelmed at everything I  have to do this week.  
     Also taking in account the need for 6 hours for  English did seem a bit much considering that  I have 4 other classes that all need my undivided devotion and attention but ..........I'll see what I can do. 

Reflection: From reading Stef and Lauren's post I realize that maybe I should be a bit more strict on myself and time commitments but every time I think about it , I also realize that I don't want to sacrifice my, all important, drama time either. This does cause a particular inner turmoil but, regardless I'll stick with my current routine for as long as I can. It's gotten me this far , and if it ain't broke don't fix it.

My Writing Process

  1. Writer Type

The type of writer I consider myself to be would be somewhere in between a heavy planner and a   procrastinator.  If I'm really interested in the subject of my writing then I'll attempt to plan out everything  I want to say in a rough draft/ brilliant blueprint of my ideas. . BUT if it doesn't interest me that much or  if I consider it a simple writing topic i'll put it off  and create a last minute piece of attempted genius .

     2.   My Chaotic Writing Process

I tend to plan thoroughly for topics I like , thoroughly and almost obsessively , because its' easier and more enjoyable to plan something than to actually execute it  into reality.  However it  usually means  that once I finally get it down I don't want to change anything.  When I do procrastinate , I don't necessarily review it as well as I should , since most of the time they;re always due in the early morning. It;s like a supernova, an explosion of ideas and I pick the best ones and somehow form them it to something pleasant to  look at and read.


       3.  Successful? Or Nah's gotten me this far, but on a serious note , even if it has gotten me this far I know that I should adopt a less chaotic system of writing. It seems I flip from one extreme to the other.   The most redeemable  quality of my approaches are that they both  tests my limits of how far I could think on a subject and how quickly I can put those ideas into a comprehensible piece of writing that could possibly earn me a high grade.

      4.   Trying something else? Maybe

I think I would cause less strain on my brain and less stress  if I tried a  more efficient way to write rather than excessive planning  or procrastinating without  revising. I think revising as I go and constantly editing my work while doing it on time would be better than what I've been doing.

Reflection: Reading the blogs of Lia and Bailey put my own writing process into perspective. Lias'  process seems to be really structured which I envy a bit, while Bailey's  although a roller coaster has it's on process and can get through revisions .  It makes me want to try and revise my work more thoroughly .