Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Reflection on Open Letter Draft

via Flickr by drbexl " Deserve Victory (Churchill)"  
In this post I reflect on my open letter.

I peer reviewed Olivia and Hunter's open draft letters

  • Did I demonstrate an ability to think about my writing and myself as a writer?
I think I displayed how I think of myself sufficiently enough. In the beginning of my letter I  compared myself to how I thought about my own writing skills before I took this class and went through the letter by talking about how my opinion changed throughout  the course and then I ended with what I think of my writing skills and going froward to how they will have to change for the oncoming college years
  • Did I provide analysis of my experiences , assignments, or concepts I have learned?
I described my experiences previous to college and I named a few recent assignments that altered my viewpoint but I didn't go into detail of those assignments that changed my opinion of my writing skills.
  • Did I provide concrete examples from my own writing?
Other than inserting one quote and vaguely talking about a particular assignment I didn't really explain them. 

  • Did I explain why I  made certain choices and if those choices were effective?
I explained why I thought the way I did about my own writing previously and cited it towards my earlier high school classes but I don't think I went into enough detail about the current choices I made in writing and why.
  • What I plan on revising overall?   
Overall I plan on using more quotes from my previous assignments to better enhance the points I make in my letter , I also plan to go in depth into what particular assignments changed my opinion about my writing skills as well as use previous projects to highlight mistakes I made or changes that helped me out. 

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