Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Reflection on Open Letter Draft

via Flickr by drbexl " Deserve Victory (Churchill)"  
In this post I reflect on my open letter.

I peer reviewed Olivia and Hunter's open draft letters

  • Did I demonstrate an ability to think about my writing and myself as a writer?
I think I displayed how I think of myself sufficiently enough. In the beginning of my letter I  compared myself to how I thought about my own writing skills before I took this class and went through the letter by talking about how my opinion changed throughout  the course and then I ended with what I think of my writing skills and going froward to how they will have to change for the oncoming college years
  • Did I provide analysis of my experiences , assignments, or concepts I have learned?
I described my experiences previous to college and I named a few recent assignments that altered my viewpoint but I didn't go into detail of those assignments that changed my opinion of my writing skills.
  • Did I provide concrete examples from my own writing?
Other than inserting one quote and vaguely talking about a particular assignment I didn't really explain them. 

  • Did I explain why I  made certain choices and if those choices were effective?
I explained why I thought the way I did about my own writing previously and cited it towards my earlier high school classes but I don't think I went into enough detail about the current choices I made in writing and why.
  • What I plan on revising overall?   
Overall I plan on using more quotes from my previous assignments to better enhance the points I make in my letter , I also plan to go in depth into what particular assignments changed my opinion about my writing skills as well as use previous projects to highlight mistakes I made or changes that helped me out. 

Friday, December 4, 2015

Draft of Open Letter

via Flickr by Rennete Stowe " Sleeping Lion" 
In this post  I post a link to my draft letter

I wonder if the tone I took with the letter is a bit casual and I also wonder if it's a bit long as well.
like before any feedback is good feedback .

My Draft Letter

Reflecting more on my Writing Experiences

via Flickr by Tyler " Magic Mirror on the Wall Orange"

In this post I answer questions about my writing process over the semester.

  • The biggest challenges I faced overall? Overall.....the biggest challenges were revising, because initially I didn't like to revise , and when I did I never did a true in depth revision. So the revising process was a challenge for me, maybe not some much as the content part, but the grammar mistakes and sentence technicalities, were and still are a challenge. In the blog post " identifying basic grammar patterns , I basically sum up my writing in a few words, "I don't analyze anything I write , I just write whatever comes out of my head first ."  
  • (Identifying basic Grammar Patterns)
  • What I  learned about my time management , writing , and editorial skills? Well as stated above my editorial skills are a bit lacking but as far as my writing skills go, I've always been pretty confident about them, but I have like added more...... awareness about my writing skills  I guess. I know how to consider my audience and genre now and incorporate rhetorical strategies into whatever context i'm writing about.
  • What do you know more about the concept of genre? I've think I've learned everything there is to know about researching my genre. and considering my genre when getting ready to write my draft. In the Audience and Genre blog I thought it was extremely helpful to pick the type of audience you want and then direct the content of your writing towards them , which , again I found really helpful when writing. (Audience and Genre
  • What skills might you develop further? My grammar skills are in desperate need of development, but other than that I think considering my genre is also something I would develop further, because picking the right genre for your writing can determine how the rest of it will go.
  • Most effective moment? The most effective moment of the semester was probably analyzing rhetorical strategies in the sources we picked, because once I could recognize the strategies other authors used I could use them in my own writing, also being able to recognize and then utilize the different appeals in works of writing is going to be extremely helpful for the future. So even though it was long the analyzing rhetorical strategies was helpful and made me an effective writer for the rest of the assignments. (Analyzing Rhetorical Strategies in .....)
  • Least effective moment? For me the least effective moment out of the whole semester were writing the lovely Clarity blogs, because even though I somewhat lack the revision skills in editing my grammar it still didn't help with my editing and that particular thing is still something I need to develop further in my writing. Which isn't really grammar based but just basic revision skills that I always overlook.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Revisiting My Writing Process

via Flickr by Will " fox writing with a quill pen" 

In this post I ponder about my writing skills.

In all honesty I don't think I've changed that much in my writing process. It takes me a while to plan out how I want everything to go, and then it takes me little to no time to execute it the "first" time . Once I started revising more ( because I didn't really do it all before) I started to edit, revise, and re-evaluate,my writing . The best thing I did while revising my draft was probably rewriting my thesis and conclusion because it forced me to look over everything I wrote and make sure it followed what was summarized in the thesis.

 I have also realized that I'm not really a procrastinator.I like to be on top of things so I've always thought that if my assignments weren't done two days after I got them then I was procrastinating. but listening to other people and their procrastination stories made me realize that I set the standards for myself  too high.  The "latest" I've ever been was typing up the last two blogs on a Friday night or finishing the last blog Saturday morning.

I do revise more now that I know the exact steps to go through when revising but as for my writing  process and time management, it will remain pretty much the same, I'll still plan things in detail and then scribble it all out into a semi coherent idea. but my revision process , which was in need of dire assistance, will be a lot better and produce greater results.